We are open every Monday and Friday afternoon between 2.00pm and 4.00pm, except Bank Holidays. Outside these times phone Chris 07789 765696, or Barry 07810 205014
Find us at the back of Whitby Evangelical Church at the end of Poplar Row.
We are here to help when anyone finds that they have no money to buy food to feed themselves or their family. Such situations arise for all sorts of reasons – illness, redundancy, unexpected bills and delays in payment are just a few examples.
We try to supply food parcels to cover a meals for around six days. Parcels can include toiletries, pet food or some household cleaning products.

How it works:
If you are unable to afford food just call in to see us and we’ll pack a food parcel for you. If you cannot get to the Foodbank text or phone Chris 07789 765696, or Barry 07810 205014. In some cases we can arrange to deliver.